Orthopedic Institute Blog

How to Tell When Your Child Needs an Orthopedic Visit

Posted on March 09, 2017

Bumps and scrapes - every kid experiences them thanks to their penchant for physical activity in the outdoors. But when does a bump or a scrape turn into something worth visiting the orthopedist for? Not all symptoms are equally serious, so when should you take your child in to be examined?

10 Questions with Sean Magee

Posted on March 02, 2017

We’re giving you a peek into what makes Orthopedic Institute (OI) tick by shedding some light on our best and brightest.

Today’s featured team member is Sean Magee, one of our physical therapists (PT). Sean graduated from the University of North Dakota. He has a rich 26 years of experience...

3 Benefits Golfing Has on Your Health

Posted on February 23, 2017

Golf is played by millions of people across the world. While it isn’t as obviously physically intensive as other forms of exercise, it still has a role as a healthy exercise. In fact, some of its positive healthy impacts might surprise you.

Here are a few key benefits golf has on your health.

3 Common Causes of Thumb Pain

Posted on February 03, 2017

Years of working hard and participating in your favorite hobbies can potentially take a toll on your body, especially your fingers. Think about how much strain you likely place on your hands over your lifetime. It’s no surprise, then, that many people start to feel aches and pains in their thumbs.   

5 Common Injections for Treating Orthopedic Conditions

Posted on January 27, 2017

Most of us have had an injection of some kind at some point in our lives, whether it's a seasonal flu vaccine or a Novocaine shot at the dentist. But not all injections are built the same in their execution nor their purpose.

Let's break down the six most prevalent injections you might receive...

How to Do the Lunge Correctly

Posted on January 18, 2017

Lunges are one of the most efficient ways to easily build strength in multiple parts of your body, including your calves, core, and glutes. Their relative ease makes them incredibly popular for at home or gym workouts. However, the exercise is only effective when done correctly. If you let your...

6 Training Tips Every Female Athlete Needs to Know

Posted on January 05, 2017

It's that time of year - you probably have a New Year's resolution with some sort of element of health and fitness. But before you hit the gym or sign up for any program, make sure you know your stuff. Female athletes have to consider different things when it comes to working out.

The Physical Effects of Training on Your Body

Posted on January 04, 2017

You can feel it every time you engage in physical activity. Something is happening, physiologically speaking, when you train or work out. But what exactly is it doing, and what are the positive effects of the visual effects of change in breath patterns, muscle fatigue or a pounding heartbeat?


When to Know if An ER Visit is Necessary

Posted on December 29, 2016

Visiting the ER or emergency department of a hospital for immediate orthopedic needs can be a traumatic and stressful experience for anyone. But with the right team on the case and the right frame of mind, you can weather an ER visit without adding to the pressure.

When is Too Young for Your Child to Start Training?

Posted on December 28, 2016

You and your child both might have big dreams for athletic prowess in the coming years. Whether it’s college sports, a run at the Olympics or simply a lifelong commitment to health and wellness, athletic training might be on your itinerary.

But what are the potential benefits of starting your child...